Human Resources Educational Opportunities to Keep on Your Radar

Horticulture businesses are as much about the people as the plants. If managing people is one of your responsibilities, consider attending these talks at Cultivate’24.

Game-Changing Recruiting Strategies (Saturday)

Attracting employees to work remains one of the biggest challenges for any company today. Yet, proven strategies for successfully recruiting green industry workers do exist. In this session, attendees will learn how to strategically target workers with messaging that resonates, including what to say (and not say) in job postings, where to post job ads, and how to leverage the latest recruiting technology.

Employee Engagement Strategies: How to Keep a Team Motivated, Engaged, and With You (Saturday)

Employee engagement is the emotional commitment an employee has to the company and its goals. This emotional commitment means engaged employees truly care about their work and their company. They don’t work just for the pay, but work on behalf of the company’s goals, ultimately creating more success for the company. According to Gallup, a highly engaged workforce is 23% more profitable, while disengaged employees are 53% more likely to be looking for new employment. In this session, you will hear from innovative green industry company leaders on how they have implemented effective employee engagement strategies that increase productivity, improve job satisfaction, make employees happier, deepen business connectivity, and strengthen employee retention.

Don’t Delay the Future of Your Horticulture Business

Step-By-Step Guide to Successful On-Boarding (Saturday)

The employee onboarding experience has been proven to make or break employee retention and performance, yet only 12% of employees strongly agree their company does a great job of onboarding. Unfortunately, most organizations have no idea what should be included to set themselves up for success with this critical component of the employee experience.  Attendees will learn the difference between onboarding and orientation, the five questions every onboarding experience must answer, and how to onboard both seasonal and full-time employees.

Maximizing Employee Retention: Leveraging the Science of Happiness to Create a Long-Term and Effective Workforce (Saturday)

By carefully shaping your company’s culture, you can increase team members’ satisfaction, productivity, and efficiency. This talk will share success stories from teams of all sizes, as well as practical steps you can take to maximize employee retention.

Redefining Recruitment: Innovative Strategies Beyond “Post and Pray” (Sunday)

The term “post and pray” epitomizes a passive recruitment approach where employers simply post job openings and hope for the best. This antiquated method yields limited talent pools, subpar hires, and lacks diversity. In today’s job market, candidates wield considerable power, necessitating a proactive recruitment strategy rooted in relationship-building and brand awareness.

Three horticulture industry leaders share their pioneering recruitment methods that transcend traditional online postings. Discover how these strategies prioritize relationship cultivation, the investment of time and resources, and their profound impact on hiring outcomes. Gain insights into the sustained improvements observed in hiring processes and the enduring benefits reaped from these initiatives.

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