Here’s What Happened During the 2025 Congressional Action Days

44th Annual Congressional Action Days (CAD) floral industry event banner from the Society of American Florists (SAF).

44th Annual Congressional Action Days (CAD) event banner | Society of American Florists (SAF)

Floral industry professionals from across the United States and South America gathered in Washington, D.C., on March 17-18 to champion key industry priorities during the Society of American Florists’ (SAF) 44th annual Congressional Action Days (CAD). 

The event brought together more than 50 growers, wholesalers, florists, suppliers, and manufacturers who met with 88 congressional offices to address legislative priorities, including tariff relief, agricultural labor reform, port inspection improvements, and floriculture research funding. 

“CAD is one of the most important events that SAF organizes,” says SAF Immediate Past President Michelle Castellano Keeler, AAF, of Mellano & Co. “Nobody can tell our story better than we can. It’s essential that members of Congress hear directly from the people who run flower businesses.” 

During the training segment of the event — when attendees were briefed on key issues — SAF President Oscar Fernandez of Equiflor gave a special shoutout to the event sponsors: 

másLabor Addresses Delays in the H-2B Visa Cap Announcement

“This small but mighty group of sponsors is what makes this event and SAF’s year-round advocacy more effective,” says Fernandez. 

Key Advocacy Priorities 

One of the top priorities was the reauthorization of the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP), which would restore duty-free status for Ecuadorian roses — an action that could save the floral industry an estimated $40 million annually. Attendees also raised concerns about additional tariffs on floral products and agricultural inputs from countries like Mexico, Canada, and Colombia. These tariffs — on cut flowers and essential materials like potassium used in fertilizer — pose a serious threat to the survival of tens of thousands of small, family-owned floral businesses across the U.S. 

In addition to trade-related concerns, attendees also called for improvements to the H-2A guest worker program, which many growers rely on for labor, but which remains costly and difficult to navigate. 

Danny Sanchez, South Florida Florals; Edwin Perez, Jet Fresh Flower Distributors; Corrine Heck, Details Flowers; Kristin Gilliland, Gardens America; Christina Bryant, Heart of Florida Greenhouses; Scott Gilliland, Gardens America; Ana Ramirez, Valley Springs; Carl Bauer, Armellini Express Lines; Oscar Fernandez, Equiflor; Austin Bryant, Heart of Florida Greenhouses.

Danny Sanchez, South Florida Florals; Edwin Perez, Jet Fresh Flower Distributors; Corrine Heck, Details Flowers; Kristin Gilliland, Gardens America; Christina Bryant, Heart of Florida Greenhouses; Scott Gilliland, Gardens America; Ana Ramirez, Valley Springs; Carl Bauer, Armellini Express Lines; Oscar Fernandez, Equiflor; Austin Bryant, Heart of Florida Greenhouses. | Society of American Florists (SAF)

Port inspection delays were also a pressing issue, as anticipated staffing reductions within USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, as a result of the Administration’s planned Reductions in Force (RIF), threaten the timely processing of floral shipments. SAF urged lawmakers to ensure proper staffing at major ports of entry. 

Support for ongoing investment in the Floriculture and Nursery Research Initiative (FNRI) rounded out the advocacy agenda, with participants emphasizing the importance of continued research in pest management, climate adaptation, and labor-saving mechanization. 

Connecting with Lawmakers

SAF members reported engaging and productive conversations with legislative staff — including a meeting with Senator Cory Booker’s office, where agricultural labor and research funding were key topics. 

Chris Drummond, AAF, PFCI, of Penny’s by Plaza Flowers in Philadelphia and a past SAF president, along with Colleen Fagundus, Director of Floral for the International Fresh Produce Association (IFPA), found a receptive and knowledgeable audience in the senator’s lead counsel. 

“He was very well-versed on specialty crops,” says Drummond. Their conversation focused on critical issues facing the floral industry, especially the challenges of the H-2A guest worker program and the urgent need for secure, reliable labor. 

A Shared Voice, A Stronger Impact 

For many attendees, CAD was a powerful reminder of the strength of collective advocacy. 

“Going into these offices, you realize everyone here is fighting for flowers,” says Ana Ramirez of Valley Springs, a first-time attendee. “They know what you’re looking for, and that’s empowering.” 

Lori Wheat, AAF, of Lafayette Florist, SAF’s president-elect, emphasized the importance of personal connections. “We want our legislators to know who we are. We’re a small family business, and we’re looking for a partnership — just as we support our communities every day, we hope our lawmakers support us.” 

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