There’s another round of Doctor Who episodes coming our way! This spring, Ncuti Gatwa’s Doctor is coming back for his second season, and we got a trailer today that gives us a glimpse of what’s in store, including a look at the Doctor’s new companion, Belinda Chandra, played by Varada Sethu.
The two-minute trailer is, in a word, amazing. It introduces us to this iteration of Sethu, who we’ve seen in another role in previous Who episodes, which the Doctor (and this trailer) is quick to point out. This character is called Belinda and is a nurse (or at least calls herself one, though she might be joking) and just wants to go home instead of deal with the Doctor’s shenanigans.
Things don’t turn out the way she initially hopes, however, and she’s off on adventures involving an intergalactic Eurovision contest, dinosaur-like skeletons coming to life, and Alan Cumming voicing a cartoon that literally jumps out of a screen. The duo appear to be facing a threat to the entire fabric of reality, because Doctor Who.
The trailer also gives us a delightful moment where the Doctor is offended that Belinda calls him Scooby-Doo, causing him to respond, “Honey. I’m Velma.”
And if that wasn’t enough, we also see Millie Gibson, who played the Doctor’s previous companion, in a reprisal of her role as Ruby Sunday.
Doctor Who returns with one episode on April 12, 2025 on Disney+. The remaining seven episodes will drop weekly.
Check out the trailer below. (And yes, the trailer says it’s “Season Two” of the show, which, of course, is confusing at best. But let’s just accept it and move on.)